As we pulled up in front of the house, my daughter saw her little friend from three doors down just running towards us, with her grandmother trailing right behind her. They were so excited to see one another and the little girl is just waving and my daughter is waving from her car seat. We couldn't get out of the van fast enough for her to go and hug her little friend. I hadn't even changed my daughter, she was still in the clothes she had on yesterday. How embarrassing. I told the grandmother I needed to change her and we'd be right out. No way I was letting her in the house with the way it looked this morning. I had a feeling she'd be right over this morning. Something told me that I needed to pick up a little before we left for school. So I began removing cereal bowls from the coffee table and picking up the toys that were strewn everywhere, and fixed the couch cushions and cleared off the island in the kitchen and the table "just in case" she stopped by unexpectedly.
I'm just glad I caught her by the curb and not my front door.
So I thought about surfing the net while she's gone, look for jobs and daycare and all that "fun" stuff. But I think I'm just going to clean. Goddess knows this place needs a good scrub down. So that's what I shall do, clean my house and enjoy the peace and quiet. I was so excited about having a few minutes of peace and quiet that I still have the kids tv show on in the background. I guess I just couldn't wait to have said peace and quiet and wanted to tell the other moms out there what they have to look forward to when their little ones who are now teething and screaming and crying, that there is a light at the end of the parenting tunnel where you can just stop....and breathe.
Of course I will admit, I'm not looking forward to the time when it's happening five days a week and my little baby girl, the last of my little ducklings goes off to school. Then I don't think I'll be so excited. I'll be holding onto tears and missing her not only because she is my baby girl, my little princess but because I know she's getting older and I am too. :(
But for now I'll bask in the quiet solitude of no fighting siblings, no banging, no worries of stepping on legos or game pieces, and give myself a little bit of Rest and Relaxation. However, that vacuum cleaner is calling me so I just might have to put the R and R on hold.
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