Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Goddess Through My Daughter's Eyes

I love my daughter.

She makes me laugh on some days and smile on the crazier ones. Last night I was sitting on the couch, and I looked out the door and saw a glow through the clouds. I said out loud "OOOO, what's that?!" and got up to see. It was the Moon Goddess glowing a beautiful yellowy glow in the sky. My five year old daughter and six year old son were jumping up and down trying to see. I told them to stand on the couch and they could look. They were in awe as much as I was. My son went up to bed shortly after, but my daughter just couldn't get a good enough look so she stood on top of the archway between our kitchen and living room to get a better view.

She gasped and then said "Mommy I just love the Moon Goddess". I was talking to a friend on messenger and giving her the play by play of what she was saying. I was smiling from ear to ear. "Mommy I love the Moon Goddess and God". I told her they love her too.

Then she said to me "Can we see the Goddess?" I told her we can see her every day in the stars and the sky and the moon and the trees. But she wanted to see her, in human form more or less I think. So I told her when she dreams she might get to see the Goddess. Then she went to the bathroom, and as she is sitting there she asks me "Mommy, can the Goddess see me on the potty?" I said "I guess she can", and she says "I don't want her to see me on the potty". LOLLL I said "well just ask her not to look and she won't look." Silence. Then she got up and asked me if we could go outside and look at the Moon Goddess. I said "sure". I ended my conversation with my friend and we headed outside.

I picked her up and she exclaimed, "There she is Mommy!" and she pointed over to the southeast sky. There she was. "I love you Moon Goddess" she said in her tiny little voice. Then she was pointing out all the stars and planets in the sky(those we could see anyway). She was asking me what color the planets were, and why the stars were so small. We stood out there for a good four or five minutes and then went inside.

As she was getting ready to go to bed, she says out loud "I love you Goddess I love you God." Then she said she loved me too and laid her head down on my lap. She said "I love you Goddess, I love you God" one more time and closed her eyes and went to sleep as I gently ran my hand across her hair.

I will say I do not honor a God, however, if she chooses to speak with a God or honor a God in her path I will not discourage her from it. I enjoyed sharing a spiritual moment with my daughter. I think it's refreshing to have a child's eye view of the deities as we are still a child of the Goddess and our spiritual journey is always a learning moment no matter how old we are. It doesn't have to be so serious all the time, and just as we can cry with our deities in our times of need or sorrow, we can laugh and get excited once in a while and even have some fun too while in their presence.

Blessed Be.

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